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Opinion differs over ‘modernized Eidiya’
KUWAIT: “Eidiya,” the tradition act of joy to children during Eid, holds a timeless memory in their minds. However, time has ushered in changes, modernizing its giving. Now, the act of giving Eidiya has evolved into a creative meme cards, decorative bags, and colorful boxes. Kuwait Times spoke with citizens and residents reacting to the “Modernized Eidiya”. While shopping for Eidiya cards, Samira Al-Hajj said that the markets and online...
The Iranian ambassador with Assistant Secretary of State for Asian Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Samih Hayat and officials during the event.
Iranian envoy organizes Ghabga, blasts Zionists
KUWAIT: The Iranian Embassy in the State of Kuwait held a Ghabga on the occasion of Ramadan, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. During his speech, the Iranian Ambassador to Kuwait, Mohammad Totonji, conveyed prayers for divine acceptance of fasting and prayers, particularly as the holy month of Ramadan entered its final ten days, adding “The significance of Laylat al-Qadr and the blessings bestowed upon International Quds Day, declared by the late Imam...
A Kuwaiti casts his votes in this file photo.
High voter turnout highlights increasing awareness
KUWAIT: Polling stations witnessed a good turnout on Thursday, as citizens lined up in front of centers before the start of the electoral process. Kuwait Times spoke with citizens in several electoral districts to find out their aspirations and hopes for the new parliament. Citizen Adel Al-Otaibi expressed satisfaction with the voter turnout, highlighting increasing awareness among Kuwaiti citizens. He emphasized the significance of active...
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Using diabetic shots for weight loss: Efficacy, risks and effects
KUWAIT: In the relentless pursuit of rapid weight loss, many individuals have turned to using diabetic shots to shed pounds quickly. This trend has gained significant traction, with the practice becoming increasingly widespread. However, the safety and efficacy of such methods remain subjects of concern, as the risks and potential side effects associated with using diabetic shots for weight loss are not yet fully understood.Kuwait Times spoke...
Azerbaijan looks to enhance ties with Kuwait
KUWAIT: Azerbaijani Ambassador to Kuwait Emil Karimov stated that the strong and historical ties between Kuwait and Azerbaijan pave the way for further strengthening bilateral relations across various sectors. During an iftar held by the embassy for local media, the ambassador said “With a focus on tourism, food, and education, both countries are poised to enhance collaboration and mutual exchange of expertise.”He noted that 30,000 Kuwaiti...
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Envoy underscores the significance of Ramadan traditions
KUWAIT: Assistant Secretary of State for Asian Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Samih Hayat, held a Ramadan Ghabga, on Thursday, attended by officials and the heads of diplomatic missions of Asian countries accredited to the country at his Diwan in the Shaab area.**carousel[92163,92164,92165,92166,92168,92169,92170,92171,92172]**In his welcoming remarks, Ambassador Hayat emphasized the significance of introducing the...
Students take part in the obstacle race.
Special Forces Championship: Revolutionizing youth sports
The Special Forces Championship, an idea that combines recycling and teaching children unconventional military sports skills, started between two friends: One a sports teacher and the other a passionate sports enthusiast working at the ministry of interior. Their shared vision and dedication culminated in the creation of this one-of-a-kind championship in Kuwait, aimed at boosting physical fitness, teamwork and a spirit of competition among young...
Turkish ambassador Tuba Nur Sonmez with ambassadors and officials during the Ghabga.
Turkey ‘renowned for its vibrant Ramadan traditions’: Envoy
KUWAIT: The Turkish Embassy in Kuwait held a ghabga on Tuesday to transcend borders and cultures and celebrate the spirit of unity, compassion and reflection. “Turkey is renowned for its vibrant Ramadan traditions, festive decorations and lively celebrations. During Ramadan, Turkish cities come alive with colorful lights adorning the streets and bustling markets where shoppers purchase special foods and treats for the evening meal,” Turkish...
South Korea's Ambassador Chung Byung-ha poses for a group photo with local media.
South Korean Embassy hosts media personnel
KUWAIT: The South Korean Embassy hosted on Tuesday an iftar gathering for local media professionals at the embassy. South Korean Ambassador Chung Byung-ha praised the Kuwaiti media for their diligence in accurately portraying Korea through their reporting, expressing his interest in exploring the traditions of Ramadan and the cultural practices of Kuwait to deepen his understanding of its people.He praised the distinguished bilateral relations...
South African ambassador poses with local media representatives at the Ramadan Ghabga.
SAfrica ‘supports Palestinian cause’
KUWAIT: Ambassador of South Africa Manelisi Genge praised the ongoing support and the common position that the embassy shares with Kuwait on the Palestinian cause. “South Africa has a long history of supporting the Palestinian cause, which was further consolidated by former President Nelson Mandela’s declaration when he said South Africa’s freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians,” he said.During a Ramadan Ghabga for...
German Ambassador poses for a group photo with local media.
German Embassy promotes cultural exchange
KUWAIT: On the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, the German Embassy to Kuwait invited local media representatives to an iftar gathering to boost cultural exchange and understanding between communities. German Ambassador Hans-Christian Freiherr von Reibnitz said that this year Kuwait and Germany celebrate 60 years of diplomatic relations. “The 60 years of economic, cultural, scientific and interpersonal relationships find their expression...
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Mother’s Day shifting towards materialistic gestures
KUWAIT: Mother’s Day, originally intended as a heartfelt occasion to express gratitude for the invaluable roles mothers play, has increasingly succumbed to commercialization over the years, diminishing its inherent value and significance. What was once a day dedicated to honoring the selfless love and sacrifices of mothers has now become overshadowed by consumerism, with the emphasis shifting towards materialistic gestures rather than genuine...