KUWAIT: The children of the CLM Center of Human Development visited Kuwait Times and Kuwait News on Wednesday. The Kuwait Times team provided them with an engaging and educational experience, during which they learned about the newspaper’s rich history, its role in the community, and the fundamentals of journalism.
The children were taken on a tour of the various departments, where they gained insights into how news is made. The young visitors showed great enthusiasm and curiosity, and they were particularly eager to ask questions about the sections of the newspaper that aligned with their personal interests, including fashion, travel, and sports.

During a discussion with the team, the children imagined what it would be like to work in journalism, expressing dreams of one day becoming photographers, reporters, or even figures covered in the media.
The visit concluded with an interactive activity where the children could create their own content. With guidance from the team at Kuwait Times and Kuwait News, they recorded a short video for social media. In the video, they shared their thoughts on the experience and expressed their creativity.