Since 1990 Gingerbread House Exhibition has been marked as a yearly event at ArkDes, Sweden's national center for architecture and design in Stockholm, Sweden. However, amid coronavirus this year's incarnation of Gingerbread House set to be different as staff at the museum have made up an imaginatively designed and constructed gingerbread houses in 3D and the houses are stored at the museum and fans can visit ArkDes's website to view the entries.
With more than one hundred entries from members of the public based around the theme of distance, staff at the museum have produced 3D scans of every entry. While members of the public would usually come to visit the exhibition in the Swedish capital, due the the Covid-19 pandemic, the gingerbread houses are stored at the museum and fans can visit ArkDes's website to view the entries, which include models of Sweden's state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, climate activist Greta Thunberg, gnomes wearing surgical masks and families making the video calls that have become a more common way to stay in touch since the pandemic's start.
The theme 'distance' for this year's competition revealing: "Some distances can be measured, like a meter, a light year, or the path that you travel every morning on your way to work or school. Other distances are just a sensation, like feeling close to someone or the feeling of living in separate worlds," according to ArkDes. - www.albawaba.com