By A Saleh and Meshaal Al-Enezi
KUWAIT: A few days prior to the expected visit to Kuwait of the Philippine Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III by the end of this month, a number of local domestic labor agencies made symbolic donations to the family of the recently murdered Filipina maid accompanied with letters of condolences to be unofficially presented to the family in an attempt to calm rising tensions. The letter sent to the deceased's family noted that KD 2,700 had been donated and remarked that no financial aid could make up for the family's loss.
Fish auctions
Chairman of Kuwait Fishermen Union Thaher Al-Suwayyan expressed the union's strong rejection of some of the articles included in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry's (MoCI) executive charter concerning fish auctions, noting that the union's remarks on the charter had been ignored. Suwayyan added that MoCI's instructions to pay the auction deposit using K-Net will be difficult and cause confusion in the fish market. Suwayyan urged MoCI to amend its regulations concerning the minimum weight of auctioned fish, the fee collected per auctioned kilo and determining the share for consumers, restaurants and companies after the auctions and not before them.
Waste removed
Mubarak Al-Kabeer municipal cleaning teams inspected Adan and Qusour, said Mubarak Al-Kabeer municipality's acting manager Khaled Al-Azmi, noting that the inspection tour started at 8:30 am and lasted till 1:30 pm. Azmi added that the campaign resulted in removing 14 truckloads of waste and six abandoned or displayed-for-sale vehicles and replacing 500 old garbage containers with new ones.
Citizens resigned
Minister of Public Works and Housing Rana Al-Fares said 169 citizens had resigned from the ministry of housing, 74 from the Public Authority for Housing Welfare and 65 from Kuwait Credit Bank, adding the resignations were upon the employees' own requests or for stopping work without excuse. This came during Fares' attendance of the parliamentary budgets and final statements committee meeting to discuss MPW's final statement 2018-2019 and the Audit Bureau remarks about it. MP Safa Al-Hashem said the same remarks have been recurring despite the minister's activeness.