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Life is incompatible here
A lot of people leave their countries in search of better work, more income, greater stability for their families and perhaps a chance for fame as well, when life becomes impossible because of wars and political crises. All these reasons are logical. But, it is not the same in Kuwait, especially in recent years. It has become noticeable that some educated and intellectual Kuwaitis have other reasons for leaving their country and settling...
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Equality is key
The place: A bystreet near a private clinic in Jabriya. The time: Approximately 10 minutes before sunset. A 2012-13 Ford Taurus police patrol pulls over near a power transformer where a man was walking. A police officer steps out of the patrol car, stops the man who from appearance looks to be from Southeast Asia, and asks him for his identification.So far the scene doesn’t seem so very out of the ordinary - at least not in Kuwait. Then while...
Chat Chay taking pictures at Al-kout
Domestic workers learn to shoot
Chat Chay taking pictures at Al-koutProject 189 is an organization that aims to protect and improve the rights of domestic workers in the Middle East, founded in Kuwait by Ekaterina Porras and Lamma Ghannam. “Our vision is for all domestic workers to be equal and free from all forms of exploitation, discrimination and abuse, and that all states recognize in law and practice domestic work under international labor and human rights laws. Our...
Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat Kuwait Times
The not-so-secret lives of Kuwait's bees
Photo shows bee cells at the Kuwait Science ClubA variety of honey from Kuwait won the gold medal at an international conference and competition held recently in South Korea. Over 100 countries participated in this event. Kuwaiti apiarist Abdulaziz Al-Barjas received the gold medal for four kinds of Sidr (Ziziphus spina-christi) honey, while the spring flower honey with nuts scooped the silver medal. He is a member of the Kuwait Science Club...
An aerial view from Google Map shows Salmiya’s residential district
Memories of Block 10; Diwali, dabbahs and tuitions in Salmiya’s Little India
An aerial view from Google Map shows Salmiya’s residential districtOne of my earliest memories of Salmiya was when my family and I had gone door-to-door singing Christmas carols around the big neighborhood, commonly known as ‘Block 10’. It was a big group of people (around 50) and the caroling tour had gone on for more than five hours. It never seemed that long though cause every house we went to (regardless of religion) made us feel...
Female fighters from the Popular Resistance Committees, supporting forces loyal to Yemen’s Saudi-backed President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, demonstrate their skills during a graduation ceremony of the affiliate special forces of the Popular Resistance yesterday in the country’s third city Taez. — AFP
Airstrike kills 28 at wedding in Yemen; Saudi denies role as US peace moves make headway
Female fighters from the Popular Resistance Committees, supporting forces loyal to Yemen’s Saudi-backed President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, demonstrate their skills during a graduation ceremony of the affiliate special forces of the Popular Resistance yesterday in the country’s third city Taez. — AFPSANAA: A suspected Saudi-led air strike killed at least 28 people at a wedding in a rebel-held town in Yemen, witnesses and rebels said...
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Syria army in ‘vast offensive’ backed by Russian strikes; NATO voiced alarm at escalating Russian military activity
BEIRUT: Regime forces advanced yesterday in western Syria in a “vast offensive” against armed opposition groups, as NATO voiced alarm at escalating Russian military activity in the war-torn country. Moscow has dramatically stepped up its nine-day-old air war against foes of President Bashar al-Assad, with heavy bombing by warplanes and cruise missile strikes from the Caspian Sea.A Syrian military source told AFP yesterday that the army,...
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‘Hajj disaster may have killed at least 1,310’
Photo show bodies of people who died in a crush in Mina, Saudi Arabia during the annual haj pilgrimage. Hundreds were killed and injured, Saudi authorities said. The crush happened in Mina - a large valley about five kilometers from the holy city of Makkah that has been the site of haj stampedes in years past. - APDUBAI: A crush and stampede last month outside of Saudi Arabia’s holy city of Makkah killed at least 1,313 people during the annual...
Macedonian police officers control a crowd of migrants and refugees as they prepare to enter a camp after crossing the Greek border into Macedonia near Gevgelija yesterday. Macedonia is a key transit country in the Balkans migration route into the EU, with thousands of asylum seekers and migrants - many of them from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia - entering the country every day. —AFP
EU govts agree to get tough on deportations
Macedonian police officers control a crowd of migrants and refugees as they prepare to enter a camp after crossing the Greek border into Macedonia near Gevgelija yesterday. Macedonia is a key transit country in the Balkans migration route into the EU, with thousands of asylum seekers and migrants - many of them from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia - entering the country every day. —AFPLUXEMBOURG: European Union governments agreed...
General Director of Doctors Without Borders, or Médecins Sans Frontiéres (MSF), Christopher Stokes (right) and Country Representative for MSF in Afghanistan Guilhem Molinie speak during a press conference at the MSF office. — AFP
After Obama apology, medical charity presses probe request; Important for NGOs working in conflict zones
General Director of Doctors Without Borders, or Médecins Sans Frontiéres (MSF), Christopher Stokes (right) and Country Representative for MSF in Afghanistan Guilhem Molinie speak during a press conference at the MSF office. — AFPKABUL: A day after President Barack Obama apologized for a tragic US airstrike that killed at least 22 people at a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders in northern Afghanistan, the medical charity said yesterday...
Engineer Rashid Ahmed, a Jammu and Kashmir state lawmaker, shouts as he protests inside the state legislature house. — AP
Lawmaker attacked as beef row grows
Engineer Rashid Ahmed, a Jammu and Kashmir state lawmaker, shouts as he protests inside the state legislature house. — APSRINAGAR: Lawmakers from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party tried to assault an opposition member in a state parliament yesterday over eating beef, as debate rages in India over intolerance of religious minorities.Television footage showed several Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) legislators, who consider...
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Arrest, ads spotlight Pak army detentions
KARACHI: Paramilitary troops in Pakistan's biggest city arrested a prominent politician on Thursday, fuelling jitters about a showdown between the powerful Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) party and the military-run Rangers.Months of action by the paramilitary force against the party that runs Karachi has raised fears of bloodshed in the city of 20 million people. The campaign has also sparked a row between the police and the military over civilian...