The Palace of Justice, kuwait court
The Palace of Justice, kuwait court

Women go to court to demand equality

By Hussain Sana

The Zionist occupation army declared the start of a military operation in the West Bank yesterday. This is the largest operation in the West Bank since 2002 and includes the air force and hundreds of “Musta’ribeen”, elite Zionist undercover soldiers who disguise themselves as Palestinians when needed.

It is a matter of consensus among many media platforms and news agencies that the occupation army might be exhausted and aimless after the Gaza campaign. The occupation army is far from liberating Zionist prisoners and does not have a clear achievable objective after reaching every point above Gaza’s territory.

The Netzarim line might (and hopefully will) serve Palestinian heroic resistance to attrite the occupation forces. While the occupation army is neither capable of achieving any military nor political objective of its war, it is already doing its maximum in the genocide attempt and in increasing civilian casualties, hoping to pressure the resistance.

Sympathizers with the Palestinian cause might think (or wish) that the occupation is incapable of opening another war front, due to the high costs of Gaza war already and their reluctance in escalating the Lebanon front, compared to the ’80s and times when Zionists used to come in and out of Lebanon with no calculations needed.

However, it is worth mentioning that the occupation received 50 tons of weapons and ammunition with foreign support (take a wild guess which countries lead the list). The United States alone declared recently that it will send an additional $3.5 billion to the Zionist entity, in addition to the $14.5 billion supplemental funding bill for the Zionist entity passed by the Congress in April, etc.

The occupation army is capable “par excellence” in invading the West Bank, and maybe for good, to demonstrate for the hundredth time how dead are the Oslo peace accords. Yitzhak Rabin, “the peacemaker”, opposed a Palestinian state until his assassination by another Zionist. Current Zionist ministers like Gallant, Katz, Smotrich and Ben Gvir (the latter two are settlers themselves) have called repeatedly for treating the West Bank like Gaza, and to fully settle in it and displace its Palestinian residents.

This occupation is unlimitedly supported by some of the world’s richest elites and biggest powers. Palestinians are surrounded and infiltrated by collaborators and indifferent regimes and elites who see the Palestinian cause as a liability that needs to be ditched and terminated anyhow. Security studies and scholars classify the current resistance movement against Zionism as strategic threats, but not as existential threats, not yet. All aside, this occupation is opening another front without being able to achieve its goals in the first front, and most likely will not be able to achieve any of its goals in the West Bank either.

Mass resistance is rather an alarm and a signal about injustice than it being an act of terrorism. As long as the occupation continues, there will be acts of radical resistance against it. There is no solution nor treatment for the Palestinian “insurgency”; the solution lies in addressing the occupation and stop arrogantly denying the elephant in the room. History of other settler colonialism cases points to the pattern, this is no exception and this entity is not a shining city above the hill.

The occupation’s “Lebanese” dilemma repeats in the West Bank. “While resistance is growing, if we don’t invade now, then when?! The invasion is bad but it will be worse and harder in the future”. Just like resistance today is costly, it would have been less costly if the previous generations of ’48, ’67 or the early ’90s had made better decisions and avoided their mistakes.

Meanwhile, as long as the resistance lives and survives for another day, it shall triumph. This is because occupation is not sustainable, and its supporters of falling global powers are changing their priorities, with their interests shifting away towards the South China Sea and Ukraine.

This operation in the West Bank might be the attempt to fully annex the West Bank and arm the settlers, something that Zionists fascistic ministers always promised to do. It might be another step towards the end of the barely legitimate and representative Palestinian Authority, for good, since the two-state solution turned out to be a delusion, with an unserious rival and unfair moderator.

Despite Hezbollah’s latest declaration of de-escalation, this operation might escalate the Lebanon front again. It will be influenced by the outcome of the American elections, the alliances and breakaways within the Zionist government, and the internal Zionist protests. This operation is another offensive, but might be the wake-up call in the West Bank, that the occupation’s nightmarish reality is still ongoing, and the costs of liberation are never easy, especially for the last remaining case of settler colonialism in the world.

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