By Abdellatif Sharaa

was calling some of my friends Monday evening to see how they were doing. A friend in Mahboula told me the area was sealed off some time before the official announcement was made by the Council of Ministers. The only thing this friend was worried about was not being able to report to work due to the attitude of his employer, who had already hinted something like this may happen. Meanwhile, some companies attempted to move their workers out of the area before the lockdown took effect, but were prevented from doing so, because this will defeat the purpose.

I then called a friend in Farwaniya who told me that almost all baqalas (grocery stores) are empty of certain ethnic foods, as people are rushing to buy supplies. Social media clips showed people carrying bags walking out of Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh, then when a reporter asked why are you leaving, they said their companies ordered them to move to another building across the street just outside the area.

Companies and people are getting panicky - the former for their businesses and the latter for their livelihood - despite assurances from the government. Then when rumors about a curfew were floating around, huge crowds swarmed supermarkets and cooperative societies to stock food items and supplies in unbelievable amounts, then soon enough they discovered a mistake was made, because supplies remained as the government said, except for onions that disappeared from stores for a short period, but that is another story.

It is human nature to overreact and panic when major events occur, despite messages, TV programs and instructions on what to do to stay safe, while at the same time arrangements will be made to let people get their needs in an orderly manner. Authorities have assured people that strategic stocks are enough for at least nine months, if not more.

Lockdowns, partial curfews, curfews and other strict measures are taken as a result of our behavior and not complying with instructions that reduce the risk of spreading the disease. There was a time when the number of cases were going down, only to surge once again, and almost all new cases were due to being in contact with an infected person who arrived from abroad, despite instructions not to be in close contact with persons suspected of having the virus and remain in home quarantine for a period of two weeks and get tested for the virus, but the numbers proved that this was not followed.

So, that is why difficult and strict measures are being taken so the crisis can be overcome in a shorter period than what it may take if left alone. I will never get tired of saying "STAY HOME" - this is for your safety first and the safety of others, bearing in mind that we are all on the same boat regardless of what class our ticket is. People's behavior makes sense if you think about it in terms of their goals, needs and motives. - Thomas Mann