RAMADI: An injured woman comforts another as they wait for treatment after clashes between Iraqi Security forces and Islamic State group extremists. — AP
RAMADI: An injured woman comforts another as they wait for treatment after clashes between Iraqi Security forces and Islamic State group extremists. — AP

Violence kills at least 1,119 Iraqis in March

PORT MORESBY: Papua New Guinea’s prime minister declared a 14-day state of emergency in the capital on Thursday, after 15 people were killed in riots as crowds looted and burned shops. Violence erupted in Port Moresby on Wednesday evening after a group of soldiers, police officers and prison guards launched protests over unexplained deductions to their pay.

Within hours the unrest had also spread to the city of Lae, about 300 kilometres (186 miles) to the north of the capital. “Today we call for a state of emergency for 14 days in our nation’s capital,” Prime Minister James Marape announced.

More than 1,000 troops were on standby “to contain any situations that may arise going forward”, he said. At least 15 people were killed in the unrest in Port Moresby and Lae, said Police Commissioner David Manning.

Port Moresby’s largest hospital treated 25 people with gunshot wounds, according to figures provided to AFP, as well as six people with “bush knife” lacerations. AFPTV footage showed looters in the capital dashing into stores through smashed glass windows, stuffing stolen goods into cardboard boxes, shopping trolleys and plastic buckets.

One man was seen lugging an entire chest freezer away on his shoulders. Buildings and cars were set alight, AFPTV footage showed, stirring up thick plumes of black smoke that hung over the worst-hit parts of the city. The US Embassy in Port Moresby said shots were fired near its compound as police tried to “disperse groups of looters”.

A smaller crowd gathered earlier outside the prime minister’s office in Port Moresby, tearing a security gate off its rails and torching a parked police car. Beijing has lodged a complaint with Papua New Guinea’s government, following reports that rioters targeted Chinese-owned businesses.

Its foreign ministry said two Chinese nationals had been “lightly injured” in the violence. “We remind Chinese nationals in PNG to pay close attention to the changing security situation on the ground,” ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on Thursday. – AFP

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