KUWAIT: The 44th conference on Gulf and Arab family issues in light of digital transformation kicked off on Monday, aiming to examine the interaction between human behavior and technology and their effect on families. Head of the conference, Dr. Yaqoub Al-Kandari, said in the opening ceremony at the Sheikh Abdullah Al-Jaber Theatre at Kuwait University (KU) that the conference is held in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior, the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Center at KU, and the International Organization for Women’s Empowerment and Capacity-Building (Tamkeen).

Al-Kandari added that the conference deals with the most prominent social issues that affect Arab and international families, namely the use of technology and digital transformation. He also said that technology plays an interactive role in affecting families in various social and psychological aspects, including the family’s relationship with one another.

Secretary-General of the International Organization for Women’s Empowerment and Capacity Building, Dr. Taghreed Al-Hijli, said in her speech that the conference discusses multiple issues, including digital transformation, family challenges, and other social issues. Al-Hijli stressed the need to pay attention to the Arab family’s cultural identity amid this digital transformation and find appropriate solutions for such issues. The three-day conference includes six main sessions addressing the digital transformation issue in family relations, as well as 21 workshops. — KUNA