By Abdellatif Sharaa

March 12, 2006, ABC news in the US had a report which read: "Will there be an outbreak of avian flu that threatens humans? Many experts disagree when or if a human pandemic will occur, but do say there is a chance that the virus could mutate, leading to widespread infection. In that case, the best thing you and your family can do right now is to prepare for that possibility." The first thing the report mentioned was that if you want to minimize your chance of catching the virus, stay indoors - "you might even be required to stay home if the government asks that people remain in quarantine."

The habits that can help keep you healthy in an outbreak are the same good habits that can keep you from catching the common cold: Maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly and get sufficient rest. Particularly during a flu outbreak, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly and remind loved ones, especially children, to do the same. Be diligent about covering coughs and sneezes with tissues, and teaching children in your family to do the same. Also teach children to stay away from others as much as possible if they are sick, and stay home from work or school if you are sick.

These familiar statements were made about 15 years ago - as if they were made for the current crisis. If we pay attention, we realize that the most important act is to stay at home and maintain social distancing. No matter what the crisis is, one must use common sense in our daily lives and follow a routine that is simple yet highly effective in safeguarding our wellbeing.

Scenes in Jleeb at the weekend were not promising at all. Three days after the lockdown, residents rushed to get basic needs within the area, and it was anything but in order. Men carrying gas cylinders on their shoulders were running every which way without the least care, while attempts to get some kind of organization in place went in vain.

We must cooperate with each other and follow official instructions and guidelines to be able to cross this giant hurdle and move forward. We are in a real state of war and the loss of one battle may cause us to lose the entire war. So please be patient and follow the rules of common sense and things will be fine. Believe me - there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel if you just look closely.

Final word: "Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others". - Danny Thomas