KUWAIT: Kuwait International Men's Tennis Championship concluded on Saturday in the presence of President of Kuwait and Arab Tennis Federations Sheikh Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, which was held at Sheikh Jaber Al-Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah International Tennis Complex with the participation of 41 players from 19 countries. The final match was attended by Kuwait Tennis Federation Secretary General Faleh Al-Otaibi.

The singles first place was won by India's Prajnesh Gunneswaran, while second place went to Khumoyun Sutanor from Uzbekistan. The doubles match was won by Dax Donders and Sidane Pontjodikromo from Holland, while second place went Igor Duden and Artem Podorozhnyi from Ukraine. The matches were under the supervision of the International Tennis Federation and referee Dr Ashraf Hammoudah.