KUWAIT: The Dean of Admission and Registration at the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET) Dr Fawzi Al-Dukhi announced on Sunday that the authority will launch five new scientific specialties in the academic year 2023/2024 and reopen the English language specialization for the intermediate stage, after being closed in previous years. The announcement came on the sidelines of a campaign which PAAET launched on Sunday to help new high school graduates learn about the programs they offer.

Dr Fawzi Al-Dukhi

It will continue until July 23, from 10 am to 10 pm at The Avenues, with the aim of orienting students to the requirements of joining the PAAET and the specialties available to them based on their interests. Dukhi told KUNA that the minimum GPAs required for admission have not changed from last year, ranging from 55 to 80 percent for colleges and from 50 to 60 percent for institutes and training courses for high school graduates.

He urged students to apply for the re-launched English program because it is "among the most sought-after specialties in the labor market”. Applied Statistics is among the five specialties added after PAAET examined the needs in the labor market, said Dukhi.

Two new specialties have also been introduced in the training courses sector, namely "veterinary science” and "aesthetic agriculture”, in addition to the development of two specialties in the Faculty of Health Sciences: "oral and dental health technician” and "dental clinic technician”. The authority is accepting applications for the new academic year online from July 20 till August 17. – KUNA