KUWAIT: Policemen check the documents of workers in their residence in Bneid Al-Gar yesterday. — KUNA
KUWAIT: Policemen check the documents of workers in their residence in Bneid Al-Gar yesterday. — KUNA

No raids without warrants

KUWAIT: The General Directorate for Drug Control has been awarded “best operational information field cooperation” at the Arab, regional and international levels. The criminal security affairs sector at the ministry of interior in Kuwait, represented by the General Directorate for Drug Control, emerged victorious in the competition for the most exceptional field cooperation and operational information at the Arab, regional and international levels.

This recognition celebrates the outstanding role played by the General Directorate for Drug Control in disrupting drug trafficking networks. The accolade was bestowed during the 37th Arab Conference of Heads of Drug Control Agencies, which took place in Amman from Oct 31 to Nov 1, 2023.

The event witnessed the participation of representatives from the ministries of interior in Arab countries, the League of Arab States, Naif Arab University for Security Sciences, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Interpol, Gulf Cooperation Council and Himaya International Training Center.

Jordanian Interior Minister Mazen Al-Fariyah presented a shield and a certificate of appreciation to Brig Gen Mohammad Qabazard, Director General of the General Directorate for Drug Control. This recognition took place in the presence of the Secretary General of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers Mohammad bin Ali Koman and Director of the Jordanian Public Security Maj Gen Ubaidullah Al-Ma’aytah.

Participants at the conference extended their congratulations to Kuwait’s interior ministry for its remarkable achievement. They also expressed their appreciation for the General Directorate for Drug Control’s effective security cooperation in dismantling organized criminal groups involved in drug-related crimes, monitoring their activities and apprehending those responsible for them.

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