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KUWAIT: Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (CITRA) Omar Al-Omar said that the information and communications technology sector has great potential to push the rate of economic growth in the country through the improvements in efficiency and increases in productivity.

Al-Omar was delivering a speech on behalf of the Minister of State for Municipal Affairs and Minister of State for Communications Affairs Fahd Al-Shoula during the Gulf Information and Communications Technology conference which was launched on Wednesday with the participation of many government agencies. The conference will last for two days.

Omar Al-Omar addresses the conference.--KUNA
Omar Al-Omar addresses the conference.--KUNA

Al-Omar said that investment in this sector contributes immensely to the development of other related sectors as it works to improve public services and the emergence of innovative information institutions. He added that one of the most important goals of information and communication technology is that it will help strengthen security and preservation of systems and information.

He explained that information and communications technology is linked to the development of societies in the present era and is the most important means of transforming societies to more developed ones. The progress in information technology has become one of the most important areas that has witnessed tremendous development and has changed the way we live and work, he added.

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