KUWAIT: A number of participants in the 45th conference of the International Women’s Empowerment and Capacity Building Organization (IWECBO), also known as Tamkeen, stressed the importance of supporting Palestinian women, saying that it was a "necessity” during the current Zionist military onslaught on Gaza and Palestinians. The conference began Monday under the auspices of Minister of Social Affairs Dr. Feras Al-Sabah and will last until December 6.

The event highlights women’s key role in different domains such as financing, politics, and media, said Ebtisam A-Qaoud, head of the IWECBO, during the conference. She added that the conference was eager to communicate with all organizations on the vitality of supporting women’s empowerment through the adoption of new laws and legislation. She said that it was important to protect the Palestinian women who were facing all forms of violence and abuse by the occupation forces.

IWECBO is supporting Palestinian women for their heroic role in defending their homeland, she affirmed. Meanwhile, Dr. Salwa Al-Jassar, the organization’s board member and head of the conference scientific committee, indicated that the conference’s sessions focused on women’s economic, social, and political empowerment as well as boosting women’s leadership roles. The events include workshops that center on the empowerment of women, she revealed.

Audience at Tamkeen conference.

On the current Middle East violence, she mentioned the hardships that Palestinian women were going through and the necessity of supporting them. Al-Jassar took the chance and asked for a moment of silence in solidarity with Palestine. On her part, the Qatari Shura Council Sheikha Al-Jufairi stated that historical ties between the neighboring and friendly countries were the element that demonstrated joint vision, intensifying bilateral cooperation in areas of common interest.

On Palestine, she touched on the horrific situation of women and children in the Gaza Strip, which required international solidarity to end the massacres, indicating Qatar’s leadership and people were supporting Palestine by contributing to the previous humanitarian truce and seeking means to end the violence against Palestinians. — KUNA