KUWAIT: Packets of Captagon pills and a suspect are seen after the shipment of the drug was busted yesterday. (Inset) Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Sabah examines a packet of pills hidden inside an air compressor. — MoI
KUWAIT: Packets of Captagon pills and a suspect are seen after the shipment of the drug was busted yesterday. (Inset) Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Sabah examines a packet of pills hidden inside an air compressor. — MoI

MoI seizes 3 million Captagon pills

UAE announced Wednesday a new long-term visa for professionals working in fields of sustainability and environment action, Emirates News Agency (WAM) reported.

The newly introduced visa category will cater to “individuals with exceptional contributions and efforts in the field of environment action and sustainability both inside and outside the United Arab Emirates.”

Members of international organizations, international companies, members of associations and non-governmental organizations, global award winners, and distinguished activists and researchers from environment-related fields are eligible to apply for Blue Residency.

By Hussain Sana Benjamin Netanyahu, the enemy’s prime minister, might carry the adorable nickname of “Bibi” in Hebrew (and English by default, due to the Hebrew influence). However, in Arabic, his common name is “Neten” [stinky]. Since Oct...
When I was 14, my Arabic language teacher, who was an exceptional educator, convinced me to participate in the short story contest. I used to love this type of literature and love to read always, so I wrote on both sides of a paper I tore from a boo...