KUWAIT: The Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) issued several decisions allowing government workers to work in the private sector outside official hours. This would change the current situation where Kuwaiti nationals hired in the public sector are generally not allowed to seek part-time jobs at companies and other private institutions. The authority stipulated that employers should inform it about state employees who are allowed to work with them outside working hours, and that all data about them should be provided as well as the permit period, along with the jobs they have and the salary to be paid to them.

Stalled projects

The higher committee at the Kuwait Authority for Partnership Projects discussed obstacles that prevent the completion of awarding of its projects that it put forward several years ago. Informed sources said the authority explained the situation to the higher committee to make a decision towards its stagnant projects, particularly the expansion of Um Al-Haiman water treatment station and the waste-to-energy Kabd project to transform waste into electric power, that were rejected by the State Audit Bureau. Sources said committee members will not remain idle and will discuss the issue with the State Audit Bureau to find solutions.

Investigation committee

Deputy director general of customs outlets affairs and head of the investigations committee Adnan Al-Qudaibi said after reports were published about the committee's chairman resigning after accusing an Egyptian legal advisor at the customs department of bribery, director general Jamal Al-Jalawi ordered the formation of an investigation committee to gather all information and documents regarding the accusation from all departments and concerned offices. Qudaibi said while the committee is carrying out its duties, it saw fit to reform the committee with members who work in 'neutral' departments.

By A Saleh