By Ghadeer Ghloum
KUWAIT: Kuwait Times and Kuwait News welcomed high school press club students from Lycée Français de Koweït on Thursday. Public Relations and CSR Manager Jana Alnaqeeb took the students on a tour around the building and its departments, where the students were informed about the work in each section.

Starting with the editorial section, the students met Sahar Moussa and Ahmed Jabr from the social media team and reporter Ghadeer Ghloum, who distributed copies of Kuwait Times’ first edition and explained to them that all the content they see on social media or read in Kuwait Times comes from the work that takes place in the editorial section.
The students had multiple interesting questions with regards to journalism for their press club at school that were answered by the Kuwait Times’ team. Content creator Dhoha Al-Issa prepared a project at the studio for the students to share their thoughts about anxiety, which is an important topic that resonates the most with their age group.

The Internet and comparison on social media makes young individuals suffer panic attacks at a young age. During their time in the studio, eight students shared their thoughts and personal experiences with anxiety and panic attacks.
The students then traveled back to the past as they toured Kuwait Times’ archives to take a look at the old versions of the newspaper. They later went to the printing press, where the team explained to them the newspaper’s printing process. The students also got a chance to meet Kuwait Times’ kittens!