QAMISHLI: A Syrian girl arranges flowers at a shop displaying Valentine’s Day gifts. —AFP
QAMISHLI: A Syrian girl arranges flowers at a shop displaying Valentine’s Day gifts. —AFP

Love in the time of civil strife - Syrian lovers torn apart by war on Valentines

KUWAIT: The Kuwait University marks the 57th anniversary of its inauguration on Nov 27, 2023 which was established in October 1966 and officially opened in November 1966.

The university commenced its activities with the establishment of the College of Science, Arts and Education and the University College for Girls with 418 students and 31 faculty members. Thanks to the efforts made towards its renaissance, the university has grown tremendously, and today it has 16 scientific and humanitarian faculties, nearly 40,000 students and more than 1,600 faculty members.

Kuwait University is the first public research university in Kuwait, and it is one of the Kuwaiti governmental institutions affiliated to the ministry of education and the ministry of Higher education, which operates under the supervision of the University Council, which is chaired by the minister of education and the minister of higher education.

Kuwait University seeks to provide quality education and contribute to the production, development and dissemination of knowledge and the qualification of human cadres, to achieve the development goals of the country and the needs of the society. Throughout its accredited journey for more than half a century, Kuwait University has been keen to be the first institution with clear and specific future visions and strategies.

Kuwait University seeks to achieve the desired development goals in all fields of knowledge, be it economic or social in line with the aspirations and ambitions of the State of Kuwait. From this standpoint, the university has directed its attention towards quality, innovation and sustainable development and adopted ideas that support the future vision of the State of Kuwait for the year 2035.

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