By Nawara Fattahova

KUWAIT: Kuwaiti farms are concerned of a possible attack by locusts after a swarm reached four Saudi agriculture areas in Riyadh, Qassim, Hail and Sharqiya. This can threaten Kuwait's agriculture areas, especially Wafra, as it was attacked last April by locusts coming from Saudi Arabia.

According to reports, Saudi Arabia has the situation under control, but strong winds may hamper efforts and cause the locusts to reach Kuwait. The swarm originally spread from Somalia and Ethiopia in the Horn of Africa to Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Kuwait's farms may also be threatened by locust attacks from the Iranian side.

The Public Authority for Agricultural Affairs and Fish Resources announced taking precautions to deal with the huge number of locusts. It announced it is in contact with the Saudi authorities about the situation, who have confirmed the situation is under control.

Kuwaiti farmer Yousef Al-Kreibani told Kuwait Times the locusts haven't reached Wafra yet. "We haven't registered any locusts yet, and hope they won't reach us. But we have concerns that strong winds may assist the insects in reaching Kuwait. We are prepared for any attacks with insecticides," he said.