KUWAIT: Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC) on Monday announced the achievement of 60 million safe working hours without any accidents, loss of life, physical injuries, health or environmental damage, property damage, or interruption in operations at the Al-Zour refinery. The official spokesman, Abdullah Al-Ajmi, said in a press statement that the achievement of this “extraordinary achievement” comes as a result of strict adherence to the highest health, safety, and environmental standards, in addition to continuous efforts and commitment to provide a safe and more productive work environment.

He explained that this achievement reflects the real commitment to the health and safety of all employees, whether they are workers or contractors, because maintaining their safety is one of the most important values and priorities. He said that recent years have been free from the loss of working days caused by accidents or injuries.

He stressed the company’s keenness to encourage employees to comply with health, safety, and environmental requirements by organizing incentive programs under the supervision of the CEO. All the programs are aimed at providing specialized training to equip employees technically in line with work requirements, which enhances their skills and contributes to reducing work accidents.

He praised the great efforts exerted by all the work teams at Al-Zour refinery, including employees and contractors, stressing that their continuous dedication around the clock was crucial in ensuring the continuity of operations and production carried out according to the highest safety standards. - KUNA