KUWAIT: HealthMinister Sheikh Dr Basel Al-Sabah issued a ministerial resolution amending theregulations of the government-sponsored treatment abroad program for Kuwaiticitizens. The new amendments included adding kidney dialysis for patientsdispatched for treatment for other diseases who happen to need it withouthaving to be examined by a committee specialized in kidney dialysis.
The amendmentsalso included paying treatment expenses for patients hospitalized for over twoweeks with road accident injuries, severe fractures, burns, heart attacks andstrokes, allowing transplant patients to suspend treatment for a maximum ofthree months and later resume it without having to be reexamined, authorizingoverseas treatment managers to facilitate the travel of patients and theirescorts and authorizing health offices to extend cancer treatment for a maximumof six months.
In other news,Mubarak Al-Kabeer hospital's manager Dr Nadia Al-Jumaa strongly denied socialmedia allegations about a Syrian family stealing oxygen cylinders from thehospital. Jumaa urged all social media networks to verify the content ofvarious posts and check their validity from official sources.
Stop grants
Commenting onKuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development's signing of an agreement to grantEgypt a $15 million loan to build four water desalination plants, MP OsamaAl-Shaheen stressed that it is a public and parliamentary demand as well as anational necessity to stop all grants worth millions of dollars to Egypt andother countries. On another concern, Shaheen demanded immediate educationalreform after only three Kuwaiti physics teachers graduated this year comparedto 3,000 social studies teachers, adding that it is no longer acceptable thatonly 59 percent intermediate school and 46 percent secondary school teachersare Kuwaitis.
The governmentstarted preparing the charter of regulations for the government universities law,said official sources, expecting regulations to be completed by the end of theyear. The sources added that the government will form a special academiccommittee to prepare to build new universities - in northern Jahra and SabahAl-Ahmad - to meet the new urban expansions and the expected populationincrease. The sources stressed that the government is considering building anew university to teach only the specialties Kuwait will need over the next 50years, such as renewable energy, electronics, project management, developmentand other majors.
Water guns
The MunicipalCouncil's technical committee is scheduled to hold a meeting on Tuesday todiscuss several topics including the Kazema project and banning the use ofwater guns and balloons during the national celebrations. The meeting's agendawill also include a request by private universities to allocate land forprivate universities in Abu Halifa, in addition to various other proposals andtopics.
By MeshaalAl-Enezi and A Saleh