KUWAIT: Several top achievers among high school graduates expressed their pride in their achievement to raise Kuwait’s name, promising to continue the road of education and exert all efforts to serve Kuwait and its people. In statements following a ceremony honoring high school students and held under the auspices of Education Minister Dr Hamad Al-Adwani, the outstanding students said that the key to success is time management and using the internet for research instead of relying only on textbooks or private tuitions.

Nouf Al-Ajmi, who won first place at the level of Kuwait and Kuwaitis in the literary section, said, "What I am experiencing now is a feeling of gratitude to everyone who has supported me, including my parents or people at school, until I achieved this honor,” said Nouf Al-Ajmi, who was first among Kuwaitis in the arts sector. “I thank God Almighty for His blessings, and I will continue my journey to obtain a PhD to be a faculty member at Kuwait University." She explained how she prioritized time management between studying, entertainment and spending quality time with her parents.

“The important thing is to completely separate between study times and other things,” she said, pointing out that she relied on multiple means for studying, such as taking private lessons for some subjects, taking notes and others. Ajmi said her advice to future high schoolers is to not give in to stress. “Stay calm, follow up on your studies and manage time,” she said, praising her parents’ role in creating a good atmosphere for studying and supporting her throughout the year. For Arwa Al-Mutairi, her parents’ endless support was key to her success.

“Thanks first and foremost to Allah Almighty and His blessings which helped me achieve the dream,” said Mutairi who finished fifth overall in the arts sector (special education). “A word of thanks and appreciation must also be addressed after him to all those who helped me, including teachers who gave me their time to achieve excellence.” She pointed out the important role her parents played throughout her life, extending her sincere thanks to them. “Also, I would like to thank my beloved Kuwait, and everyone who worked to provide special education schools with everything we need to help us learn and make educational achievement," she said.

She stressed that she would continue her studies and seek knowledge to obtain the highest academic degree in the field of Islamic education and teach it to university students. Expected result Reem Al-Bader, who ranked 10th in the scientific sector among Kuwaitis, said that she was expecting to get high mark especially since she organized her time well and allocated at least two hours of studying a day since the beginning of the school year, which she extended to three and four hours when the tests approached. She pointed out that she depended on herself to study and sometimes looked up videos on YouTube to assist her understand some topics.

She also credited the support of parents, especially her mother “who helped me a lot to achieve success as well as provide the proper atmosphere for studying.” Bader explained that she will complete her studies in the field of biomedical engineering, saying that it is "a specialization that combines the scientific subjects that I was studying, and I plan to continue studying for a PhD in the same specialization." Bader Al-Failakawi from Al-Najat Private School, who finished sixth among Kuwaitis in the scientific sector, expressed his happiness with the Ministry of Education’s gesture to honor outstanding students, pointing out that this honor is an incentive for them to continue the march of excellence.

He stressed that his family had the biggest role in helping him reach this stage by providing the appropriate atmosphere for him. He also credited time management, giving himself adequate time for study and leisure. He pointed out that he intends to complete his studies in the Kingdom of Bahrain specializing in human medicine, saying that he plans to study with his father who is studying the same specialty in the fifth year, noting that his father encouraged him to study medicine. As for Mohammed Al-Amir from Yusuf bin Issa School who placed fifth among Kuwaiti students in the scientific sector, he said that he was happy with this achievement “which came as a result of hard work over the past years and with the support of parents and teachers.”