Kuwait’s extreme heat: A practical solution needed
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Summer in Kuwait gets on people’s nerves. The temperatures are above what human beings can bear, particularly after what civilization has done - in exposing humans to various radiations. Among practical solutions to this extreme heat in Kuwait is a proposal to boost agriculture and bring in sea water through separate bays.

We basically need a solution to this issue. The idea of planting enough trees is a welcome development. This will balance the ecosystem because temperatures drop in such areas. Human beings are basically the students of nature, from which they learn. People learn in different ways. They learned how to bury dead people; they learned how to lighten fire; they learned how to extract energy from the movement of water; and they learned how to direct water flow to dry land. So, learning from nature is not something new.

Whoever says that the cost of building a lifesaving project is high must offer a better alternative. We need to find a way to reduce the suffering of people in Kuwait during the long months of summer. Financing the construction of lifesaving projects and their maintenance are not impossible. There should be partnerships with various sectors, bearing in mind the benefits of having a good and sustainable environment.

I hope the government seeks the help of specialists in this regard. People should be free to sit and walk around the green yards, go shopping, and have their children play without facing the hazards of the scorching summer heat. Summer in Kuwait needs practical solutions.

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