KUWAIT: MP SafaAl-Hashem yesterday warned the government of worse things to come unless thegovernment acts and resolves the demographic imbalance by deporting marginallaborers, fighting visa traffickers and imposing fees on expat beachgoers. Shealso demanded holding the minister responsible accountable for allegedenvironmental violations by expats and collecting fees from expats using JaberCauseway to prevent "the erosion of its infrastructure".
"I haverepeatedly warned, and still do, of the existence of this number of expats -three million compared to only one million citizens, which erodes Kuwait'sinfrastructure," Hashem said. "Imposing more fees on expats is amust, especially after the chaos and endless amounts of waste they left behindat various beaches and parks during the Eid holiday," she charged.
She wonderedabout law enforcement and the role the environment police is supposed to playin the form of collecting immediate fines from violators. "All countriescollect fees for using beaches, including the countries of those expatsthemselves, where they pay the fees," she claimed, questioning why thiswas not applied in Kuwait. Hashem also alleged that expats dispose used cookingoil in drains in Hawally, Khaitan, Farwaniya and Salmiya, which causesenvironmental pollution in the absence of any action by the environmentauthority.
By A Saleh