An image of Mick Jagger forms the backdrop of a recreated music studio as part of Exhibitionism
An image of Mick Jagger forms the backdrop of a recreated music studio as part of Exhibitionism

Guitars, clothes and grunge at Rolling Stones exhibition

KUWAIT: The President of the Kuwait Paralympic Committee, Mansour Al-Sarheed, announced that the Board of Directors decided to establish a special committee for disabilities and activate the societal role towards these disabilities through coordination and direct linkage with the Public Authority for People with Disabilities, the Ministry of Affairs and the Ministry of Health.

There is also coordination with public benefit associations and the General Authority for Sports to hold technical workshops and external participations according to what is required by the public interest of this category dear to our hearts

Al-Sarheed expressed his sincere thanks to the Director of the General Sports Authority, Yousef Al-Baidan, for his continuous follow-up and unlimited support for intellectual disabilities by overcoming all difficulties and his support for disabled sports in general and intellectual disabilities in particular. – KUNA

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