PARAVUR, India: Indian officials and bystanders gather beside a collapsed building as they try and rescue survivors after an explosion and fire at the Puttingal Devi Temple early yesterday. — AFP
PARAVUR, India: Indian officials and bystanders gather beside a collapsed building as they try and rescue survivors after an explosion and fire at the Puttingal Devi Temple early yesterday. — AFP

Fireworks accident at temple in India kills more than 100

KUWAIT: The Kuwait Municipality signed a cooperation protocol with the Kuwait Credit Bank regarding electronic linking between them to provide electronic services using web service as part of their efforts to make citizens’ transactions smooth and convenient.

The Director-General of the Municipality, Saud Al-Dabbous, said in a press statement after signing the protocol with the Director-General of the Bank, Khalifa Al-Fadil, that its implementation has taken effect as of Thursday and includes a commitment to establish and operate an automated inquiry service for data on description certificates, data on building permits, and engineering offices to provide them to the Credit Bank.

Al-Dabbous added that the service also includes the data of all employees of the two entities dealing with the services provided periodically according to monthly statistics, in addition to maintaining a historical record containing the information obtained from the Credit Bank via electronic link for reference when needed.

He stressed that the record includes information about the customer and information about the employee in charge of requesting the electronic service and the date of its request, pointing out the commitment of both parties to use the information in accordance with the purposes stipulated in this protocol. He stressed the commitment of both sides to issue an official letter specifying the contact officer from each party, including the employee’s name, work phone, mobile phone, and official email to follow up on the implementation of the articles of this protocol.

Al-Dabbous stated that the protocol emphasizes preserving the confidentiality of the information and data exchanged and not disclosing it to any other party or official body that deals with it inside or outside Kuwait except based on a judicial ruling or an official request from the judicial authorities or in accordance with the provisions of Law No (20) of 2014 regarding electronic transactions and its executive regulations. He stated that the protocol takes into account the intellectual and literary property rights owned by each party and the preservation of the licenses granted to either party, and it is not permissible to assign them, grant them, or transfer them to others. — KUNA

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