By Abdellatif Sharaa

KUWAIT: Kuwait Shooting Federation concluded the first conscripts' course for those in the military national service department at Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Olympic Complex. The participants were recognized by President of Kuwait and Arab Shooting Federations Duaij Khalaf Al-Otaibi, Secretary General Obaid Munahi Al-Osaimi and Commander of the National Service Brigade Maj Gen Khalil Fadel Al-Fadli.

"We are happy for graduating this group of our conscripts in cooperation with Kuwait Shooting Sports Club and the ministry of defense for this specialized course that was held from March 6 to April 24. They were trained in different types of shooting," Otaibi said after the ceremony. He said there is an agreement with officials to organize courses in cooperation with the defense ministry and KSSC to get them involved in the shooting sport and train them on safety and security systems, besides the ideal used of arms.


Otaibi said these are important courses that the club will benefit from by discovering new talents. He thanked Deputy Premier and Defense Minister Sheikh Talal Khaled Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah for his support. He also thanked the chief of staff and defense ministry officials for their interest and care.

Otaibi also said the Kuwait national shooting team is ready for the Gulf Games, including shooting, which will be held at Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Shooting Complex. He welcomed athletes from GCC countries who are participating in this very important championship and thanked the Olympic Committee officials and the Public Authority for Sport for organizing the Gulf Games in Kuwait.