KUWAIT: Al-Rahma (mercy) Committee for Medical Services, an affiliate of Al-Najat charity society, held its 56th medical camp in Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh to provide free medical tests to poor laborers and those with limited income. The camp, which included 50 doctors and 150 nurses and technicians, served over 1,300 individuals from various nationalities. The camp was held in collaboration with the Kerala Muslim community in Kuwait and the Kuwait Cardiology Society. Al-Rahma Committee's CEO Thamer Al-Suhaib said such camps aim at helping poor expatriates by providing them with free tests, diagnoses and medicine.

Expired food

Public Authority for Food and Nutrition inspectors confiscated and destroyed 57.8 kilograms of expired food items and filed 18 citations in Mubarak Al-Kabeer and Ahmadi. Mubarak Al-Kabeer inspection manager Abdullah Ahmed Abbas said his team destroyed 45 kilograms of inedible food items and filed five citations, in addition to issuing 13 warning notices to pharmacies operating prior to getting licenses. Ahmadi inspection manager Saud Al-Humaidi said that his team filed six citations.

By Meshaal Al-Enezi