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Integrating students with special needs in education - Part VI
After reviewing the vocational center for child evaluation and teaching (CCET), results showed several recommendations, of which the most important were: Using government support in developing the management of integration training centers, utilizing experts’ experiences in developing vocational development programs in those centers, exchanging expertise at universities and foreign training centers’ levels and developing the integration...
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Subsidy cuts won't affect low-income citizens: Omair
KUWAIT: The National Assembly bureau announced yesterday that it will meet with the economic committee of the Supreme Planning Council on Wednesday and with the minister of finance and a team from his ministry on Sunday to discuss the issue of reducing subsidies on commodities and services. The announcement came after a meeting of the Assembly bureau chaired by speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanem, which comes ahead of a scheduled Assembly debate to study...
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Agency predicts budget surplus - Kuwait ratings 'stable'
KUWAIT: Kuwait's sovereign ratings maintained its 'stable' outlook in an analysis by Capital Intelligence, a global ratings agency, which noted the country's "strong macroeconomic fundamentals and large net external creditor position" in a note released to investors yesterday. The CI analysis takes into account the steep decline in oil prices but also notes that the central government budget - which includes estimated investment income - is...
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Schools authorities to suspend classes in case of extreme cold
KUWAIT: Following his instructions to cancel morning assemblies at schools to avoid the extreme cold, Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education Dr Bader Al-Essa authorized school directors to suspend classes in case of extreme cold.Hawally sheltersHawally Governor Sheikh Ahmad Al-Nawaf Al-Sabah yesterday presided a meeting with senior officials at his office to discuss updating Hawally's existing shelters and building new ones as...
Attorney Fajer Ahmed
How to start a business in Kuwait
Many of us come up with innovative ideas that could be, might be, the next best business idea. It is not easy to take those first steps though. Starting a business is always a bittersweet experience. My experience was bittersweet. The idea required long hours of hard work at the beginning but turned out to be my biggest achievement. Commercial laws in Kuwait have taken a major leap in the past two years and will continue to change now that we...
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Labor transactions fees increase this week? - 5,500 employees received allowances illegally
KUWAIT: The Manpower Public Authority (MPA) is about to issue new fees on labor transactions within days, informed sources said. The MPA has completed the study on increases, the sources said, adding that transfer fees will be increased to KD 50 instead of KD 10, first time work permit to KD 50 and renewal to KD 10. The sources expected the decision to be issued this week.In other news, the Manpower and Government Restructuring Program (MGRP)...
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Proposed law allows parents to sue fee-hiking schools
KUWAIT: While Education Minister Bader Al-Essa said the private education law whose draft was submitted to the parliamentary education committee will put an end to the issue of private school fee hikes, committee rapporteur MP Humoud Al-Hamdan revealed that for certain categories of private schools - foreign, bilingual or Arab - in the new private education law enables parents to take the schools to court if they raise fees without complying with...
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KOC Implements First Wireline ESP Project - Special Report
KUWAIT: In terms of methods pertaining to artificial lift in the oil industry, Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESP) play a significant role in the extraction process. In the field, artificial lift is created by lowering the ESP string under tubing during well work-overs. The power cable is connected directly to the motor and clamped externally along the tubing string while the pump runs until failure. Because of rig work-over costs, operators...
Anas Al-Saleh
Where did a quarter trillion dollars go?
Anas Al-SalehKUWAIT: The state gained KD 231.1 billion during 15 years of surplus, which is more than three quarters of a trillion dollars, and despite this the state is heading for austerity and reducing subsidies following the first year of deficit. This issue is dominating discussions in diwaniyas and creating depressing questions: Where did the billions of the surplus years go? Were they stolen? Were they lost in squandering left and right?...
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Only 5%? - Letters to Badrya
Dear Ms Darwish With regard to the letter you published in the Kuwait Times (page 1 on Thursday 28th January), I have to say that I was quite frankly amazed by your deductions and quite honestly your analysis is unworthy of a good journalist such as yourself. The objective of your letter appears to be that you are demanding that private schools provide a free education for your children. You seem to be confused about the distinction between...
Major General Abdelfattah Al-Ali gives instructions during a crackdown carried out in Hawally Governorate yesterday.
89 people arrested in Hawally crackdown
Major General Abdelfattah Al-Ali gives instructions during a crackdown carried out in Hawally Governorate yesterday.KUWAIT: Eighty nine people were arrested during an unscheduled police crackdown carried out in Hawally Governorate yesterday. The detainees include 13 persons arrested for violation of residency law, three people wanted to serve court sentences, 33 for failure to compete visa procedures, 27 for carrying out transactions in...