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Make glasses cool with new emojis, urges UK schoolgirl
British schoolgirl Lowri Moore is just 13 but has achieved a lot in her short life, championing children who like her wear glasses. Aged nine, she persuaded Disney to create a bespectacled heroine for the first time, in the hit film "Encanto".Her #GlassesOn campaign has meanwhile struck a chord with thousands of young people and their parents around the world. Now she has another US giant in her sights. The teenager from Nottinghamshire, central...
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Kuwait reiterates commitment to lasting peace that guarantees Palestinians' rights
ALGIERS: Representing His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on Wednesday called for more concerted Arab coordination and cooperation to address political, economic and security challenges. Addressing the 31st Arab Summit held in Algiers, His Highness the Crown Prince said: "Today's meeting comes amid serious challenges and risks the Arab world is...
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Violence, Bullying, global problem effecting negatively on students
Violence and bullying in schools represent a global problem that requires a collective effort by specialists to put concrete solutions to limit the spread of such acts, particularly since it negatively effects students' academic progress and social life. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) says that violence in the school environment a clear violation to children and adolescents' education and...
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British officers at World Cup won't be 'morality police'
British police on duty at the World Cup will not act as the "morality police" when dealing with England and Wales fans in Qatar.Chief constable Mark Roberts on Tuesday revealed a team of 15 supporter engagement officers will act as a "buffer" between England and Wales supporters and Qatari law enforcement.They will be on hand to talk with fans if they believe "there's a risk they may be overstepping the mark".But Roberts insisted they would only...
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Kuwait temperatures could enter 'dangerous phase' by 2035
Kuwait may enter in a “dangerous phase” by 2035 with expectations that the annual temperature will increase by about two degrees Celsius compared to 2010, Kuwait Meteorological Department meteorologist Abdulaziz Al-Qarawi warned.These rates actually increased 1.1 degrees in the years 2010 to 2021 compared to the previous 30 years, Qarawi told Reuters. In recent years, Kuwait has been experiencing temperature records including 54 degrees in...
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After stealing laptop, thief apologises to victim via email and sends important files
In a bizarre turn of events, a Twitter user shared the screenshot of an email that he received from a person who stole his laptop, from his own email account. Not only this, but in a considerate gesture, the thief also sent the man his important research proposal and offered to email any other important files that he needed.Moreover, the thief took the opportunity to even reveal the reason behind the act and claimed they only did so as they were...
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Scientists design algorithm that 'reads' people's thoughts from brain scans
Scientists can now "decode" people's thoughts without even touching their heads, The Scientist reported.Past mind-reading techniques relied on implanting electrodes deep in peoples' brains. The new method relies on a noninvasive brain scanning technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). fMRI tracks the flow of oxygenated blood through the brain, and because active brain cells need more energy and oxygen, this information...
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Kuwait renews support for Palestinians' struggle
NEW YORK: The State of Kuwait has re-affirmed its support for the just Palestinian cause and regional peace as a strategic option. Counselor Faisal Ghazi Al-Enezi, the deputy representative of the State of Kuwait at the United Nations, noted anew Kuwait's support for the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people for attaining their rights, reiterated its adherence to the Arab-Islamic stance that backs peace as a strategic option and a just...
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Global warming felt by 96% of humans: study
Whether they realised it or not, some 7.6 billion people -- 96 percent of humanity -- felt global warming's impact on temperatures over the last 12 months, researchers have said.But some regions felt it far more sharply and frequently than others, according to a report based on peer-reviewed methods from Climate Central, a climate science think tank.People in tropical regions and on small islands surrounded by heat-absorbing oceans were...
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“Kuwait, Years from Now”, Kuwait Times Student Art Competition 2022 open until Nov 13
Kuwait Times has been holding successful art competitions such as “Kuwait Beautiful & Green” and “Frontline Heroes of Kuwait” in collaboration with Zain as strategic partner. For years, it has been our desire to allow student artists aged 6-18 to display their talents. Through competitions like this, participants can challenge their artistic skills and figure out diverse ways of interpreting just a few words from the theme.“Kuwait,...
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Zain ranked Best Employer in Kuwait and among top-10 companies to work for in Middle East by Forbes
• Bader Al-Kharafi: “As a purpose-driven company, our focus on digital transformation, talent development, and workplace initiatives are key for customer experience and socio-economic progress”• Numerous HR, Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion programs are strategic focus areas of Zain's work culture and ethical commitment aligning with SDGsZain Group, a leading mobile technology innovator in seven market across the Middle East and...
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Terrifying photo shows what an ant looks like close up
A super-magnified image of an ant, giving an impression of monstrous proportions, has spooked social media users. The photo was one of the many striking images from Nikon's 2022 Photomicrography Competition. The contest recognises the best photos taken through microscopes.The ant, a miniscule creature, can induce terror when magnified under a microscope five times, as Dr Eugenijus Kavaliauskas' photo has shown. The insect appeared in the photo...