Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah
Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah

Minister orders torture probe

Ghanem queries delay • FM receives credentials of US envoy • Kandari defers grilling

KUWAIT: Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah on Thursday ordered an urgent probe into the case of a man who was allegedly illegally arrested and tortured by the ministry of defense intelligence. The order came after MP Marzouq Al-Ghanem sent a series of questions to the minister of defense, saying that a man was illegally detained and tortured to force him to make false confessions.

The defense minister asked the army headquarters to form a special committee to investigate the case to clarify what exactly happened. Later, Ghanem said the ministry should have launched an investigation much earlier and not half an hour after receiving his questions. In his questions, Ghanem said he learned that a Kuwaiti citizen, whom he named, was arrested and detained by the ministry of defense intelligence and security authorities for two days on December 4-5.

Ghanem said the man was tortured physically and mentally to force him to make false confessions. The lawmaker asked the minister if the arrest case was correct and if the arrest was made based on an official warrant. He also asked if any official or department in the ministry had issued written or verbal orders for the man’s arrest. Ghanem asked if the man was arrested in accordance with the legal procedures followed by authorities. He also asked if the man was tortured, handcuffed, blindfolded and sexually assaulted during his detention. He also asked if the state security service took part in the man’s interrogation.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Al-Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received on Thursday a copy of the credentials of new US Ambassador to Kuwait Karen Sasahara. The foreign minister wished the new ambassador good luck in her mission and further cooperation between the two friendly countries. The latest regional and international developments were discussed during the reception.

In a related development, MP Abdulkareem Al-Kandari announced he’s postponing his plans to file a grilling motion against Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem, after HH the Amir was admitted to hospital. In a statement, Kandari explained that the grilling, which objected to the selection of US ambassador Sasahara who had served previously in occupied Jerusalem, must be debated with the knowledge of the head of state.

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