Kuwait and Golden Eagle players in action.
Kuwait and Golden Eagle players in action.

Kuwait defeat Golden Eagle from India in handball league

KUWAIT: The Third round of the 26th Asian Men’s Handball Club League Championship (Qualification for Super Globe – 2024) resulted in Al-Khaleej from Saudi Arabia defeating the title holder Al-Najma from Bahrain with the score of 25-21, and is now leading the group with 6 points while Al-Najma remained in third place with 2 points.

The host Al-Qadisiya defeated Al-Jaish from Iraq 25-23, Al-Arabi from Qatar defeated Shabab Saida from Lebanon 36-23, Al-Sharja from UAE defeated Sai from India 51-20 and Kuwait defeated Golden Eagle from India 43-19.

The standings of the first group is Al-Khaleej first with 6 points, Kuwait with 4 points, Al-Najma 2 points, Al-Gharrafa and Golden Eagle pointless.

The second group is lead by Al-Arabi from Qatar and Al-Sharja from UAE with 6 points each, then Al-Qadisiya with 4 points, Shabab Saida 2 points, Al-Jaish from Iraq and Sai from India pointless.

Kuwait and Golden Eagle players in action.

Qadisiya and Al Jaish players fight for ball.
Kuwait and Golden Eagle players in action. Qadisiya and Al Jaish players fight for ball.

Al-Khaleej goalkeeper Mohammad Abdelhussein said his club’s fans proved to be number one in the current tournament. He said “the fans support from the start had a very good effect on the players and gave them the motive to give the best performance in every match”, and asked them to stay with the team until the end of the tournament.

Meanwhile coordinator of the medical emergencies at the Asian Men’s Club League Championship Ali Mukhtar said Health Ministry is keen on supporting Sports Championships in Kuwait through providing paramedics, advanced equipment and ambulances.

He said “we have a fully equipped clinic at Sheikh Saad Al-Abdallah Complex”, adding that so far there were no incidents except for one of the referees who became exhausted.

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