By Khalid Al-Saleh
I do not recommend the publication of pictures depicting the bodies of our Palestinian brothers and sisters, particularly children and women. Wars result in victims, and if these victims are martyrs, they are now in the presence of their Lord, well cared for. It is not right to expose their bodies and intimate parts to the public, as they never consented to such exposure. I believe that the majority of them would not approve of their remains being displayed in front of others after their passing.
Those who believe that sharing these pictures will galvanize the nation to support our Palestinian brothers and sisters are mistaken. The entire Arab nation stands with them, and they do not require additional motivation. The scale of this aggression, driven by forces larger than the entire nation, is beyond our control. Regrettably, the unarmed and civilian population pays the price when such attacks occur, and it is these individuals whose remains are often recognized after they have become martyrs.
Our Palestinian brothers and sisters have endured much hardship. They have lost their land and suffered for many decades under occupation, facing the formidable might of the United States of America, an enduring supporter of the Zionist entity. In their quest for peace, they often find themselves back at square one, as their cause oscillates between domestic and foreign powers. Each effort bears its results, but the weight of these efforts falls squarely on the shoulders of Palestinians. Despite their suffering and patience over time, unity remains elusive among them. Instead, they have become fragmented, and once again, innocent Palestinians pay the price for these divisions.
The only casualties in this tragic narrative are the innocent and vulnerable members of this strong nation. Meanwhile, those who cannot agree among themselves continue to engage with foreign entities, seeking slogans that benefit other parties and individuals, but not the Palestinian people.
The Arab people can no longer endure this cycle and are no longer able to patiently witness the tragedies their Palestinian brothers and sisters endure. They implore the Palestinian people to unite in the pursuit of peace and to distance themselves from the slogans that have led to so much loss. Making up half the population of historical Palestine, they stand a better chance with peace and the establishment of their homeland. Time will be on their side. They can triumph peacefully over the occupiers, and Palestinian children can dream of a prosperous future, whether in their own country or in the Zionist entity. They have the right to develop their land and collaborate with major powers to transform Palestine into a developed nation.
These are not mere dreams; this is the reality that wise Arabs envision and work towards. Those who fear this prospect are the Zionists, warlords, countries and powers that only seek the destruction of Arabs, perpetuating the loss of lives and resources under deceptive slogans. Those who are true advocates for Palestine and love the Palestinian people should work tirelessly toward the establishment of their state. This is the true measure of support.