Permanent Representative of Kuwait to the Arab League, Ambassador Talal Al-Mutairi
Permanent Representative of Kuwait to the Arab League, Ambassador Talal Al-Mutairi

Kuwait nominated to head human rights committee

CAIRO: The Council of the League of Arab States, at the level of permanent delegates, nominated Kuwait to chair the Arab Permanent Committee on Human Rights for a second two-year term. This came after the 162nd session of the Arab League Council on Monday, headed by Yemen and with the participation of Kuwait. The Council approved, in a decision issued after its session, the renewal of the Permanent Representative of Kuwait to the Arab League, Ambassador Talal Al-Mutairi, as Chairman of the Permanent Committee on Human Rights.

This step comes in recognition by the Arab League Council of the distinguished role played by Kuwait during its presidency of the Permanent Committee on Human Rights between 2022 and 2024, as well as the tremendous efforts made by Ambassador Talal Al-Mutairi throughout his presidency of the committee. The Permanent Arab Committee for Human Rights was formed under the umbrella of the League of Arab States in 1968, and its primary mission is to follow up on the human rights file in member states. — KUNA

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