Kuwait Relief Society and Zakat House participate in the campaign.- KUNA photos
Kuwait Relief Society and Zakat House participate in the campaign.- KUNA photos

Kuwait’s 12th air bridge flight departs to Sudan

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s 12th relief aid plane departed for Sudan on Wednesday, carrying on board 36 tons of food, medicine, and two ambulances, organized by the Kuwait Society for Relief (KSR) to help those affected by the war and floods. Before takeoff, the General Manager of the Society, Abdulaziz Al-Obaid, told KUNA that this aid plane is part of Kuwait’s air bridge to help Sudan with the support of Zakat House in cooperation with Ministries of Defense, Social Affairs, and Foreign Affairs, as well as other eight charities. The shipment consists of two ambulances, 10 tons of shelter tents, and 20 tons of necessary food.

In Sudan, the heavy rains and the flood that left hundreds of Sudanese deceased and injured, as well as thousands displaced, were the key motive for Kuwaiti charities to continue this relief mission and to ease the pain and suffering of the Sudanese people. On his part, the Director General of Kuwait Zakat House, Dr Majed Al-Azmi, affirmed that the Kuwaiti Air Bridge is to help and support the people of Sudan in this humanitarian crisis. Dr Al-Azmi praised the Kuwaiti political leadership for the rapid response to the people of Sudan, with all charities and ministries having provided them with tremendous assistance in the past 16 months. — KUNA

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