Officials from Al-Salam Society for Humanitarian and Charity Work. – KUNA photos
Officials from Al-Salam Society for Humanitarian and Charity Work. – KUNA photos

Kuwait’s 11th air bridge flight departs to Sudan

KUWAIT: Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) announced on Tuesday that its 11th air bridge plane took off heading to Port Sudan International Airport, loaded with 10 tons of various aid relief supplies. It was organized by the Al-Salam Society for Humanitarian and Charity Work in cooperation with Kuwait’s Ministry of Social Affairs, Defense and Foreign Affairs and the Sudanese authorities.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Society, Khaled Al-Furaij, confirmed to KUNA before the take-off that the efforts of Al-Salam Society continue to support the people of Sudan and provide all the necessary humanitarian needs, especially food, in light of the situation of more than 25 million people in Sudan who are facing acute hunger and displacement. Al-Furaij pointed out that these supplies will help the people in Sudan and provide assistance in order to overcome the crises and disasters. — KUNA

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