Kuwait’s Foreign Minister Abdullah Al-Yahya (left) inaugurated the new Kuwaiti embassy in Abu Dhabi earlier Monday, in the presence of UAE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan. (Right)—KUNA
Kuwait’s Foreign Minister Abdullah Al-Yahya (left) inaugurated the new Kuwaiti embassy in Abu Dhabi earlier Monday, in the presence of UAE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan. (Right)—KUNA

Kuwaiti ambassador to UAE praises brotherly relations

 ABU DHABI: Kuwait’s Ambassador to UAE Jamal Al-Ghunaim hailed on Monday the deep-rooted brotherly relations that ties Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates and the commitment of both on bolstering the historical bilateral relations.

 This came in the ambassador’s remarks to KUNA on Monday, following the inauguration of the new Kuwaiti embassy in the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi, as he affirmed the importance of enhancing bilateral cooperation in various fields, particularly in investment, economic, and cultural sectors.

 Al-Ghunaim stated that the opening of the new embassy, “a distinguished architectural landmark in the capital Abu Dhabi, which reflects Kuwait’s dedication to strengthening its presence and relations with the UAE. It also enables us to provide better services to all visiting and resident citizens and to work on enhancing bilateral cooperation in various fields.” He added, “the new building is not just a diplomatic headquarters, but a symbol of the strong historical and familial bonds that connect our two brotherly peoples, and the principle of ‘Our Gulf is One.’

It reflects our shared values and aspirations for a brighter future,” noting the importance of the strategic partnership between the two nations. Kuwait’s Foreign Minister Abdullah Al-Yahya inaugurated the new Kuwaiti embassy in Abu Dhabi earlier Monday, in the presence of UAE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan and the rest of the Kuwaiti delegation as part of the official visit. — KUNA

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