Dr Khaled Al-Qahs A media and communications professor at Kuwait University
Dr Khaled Al-Qahs A media and communications professor at Kuwait University

Petroleum media ‘strategic partner to oil industry’

SALALAH: Dr Khaled Al-Qahs, a media and communications professor at Kuwait University, said that petroleum media is a strategic partner to the oil industry and contributes to its success. This came in his remarks to KUNA on the sidelines of his participation in the 5th GCC Petroleum Media for Gulf Countries in the Omani city, Salalah. Al-Qahs highlighted the significant role of petroleum media in shaping the public’s awareness about the oil industry, aiming to enhance citizens’ understanding of the sector.

He advocated for the establishment of specialized petroleum media institutions in oil-producing and exporting countries, which would also be responsible for training highly skilled and competent petroleum journalists. He emphasized the importance of presenting petroleum issues to the public in a simplified and comprehensive manner. Al-Qahs underscored the crucial role of media in promoting the oil industry and its benefits.

He highlighted the necessity of clarifying the industry’s contributions to economic and social development in producing countries. Furthermore, Al-Qahs called for aligning Arab petroleum media with development plans, considering their multifaceted impacts and prospects at the domestic level. The forum, first launched in 2013 in Kuwait, aims to bolster the role of Gulf media in supporting energy sector issues. It seeks to keep the media updated on the latest developments in the sector.

Plenipotentiary and GCC Director of Electricity and Water Department Dr Mohammad Al-Rasheedi
Plenipotentiary and GCC Director of Electricity and Water Department Dr Mohammad Al-Rasheedi

Petroleum media role

Meanwhile, Plenipotentiary and GCC Director of Electricity and Water Department Dr Mohammad Al-Rasheedi underlined the significance of petroleum media in directing efforts towards achieving sustainable development. Dr Al-Rasheedi made these remarks to KUNA on the sidelines of his participation at the Oman-hosted GCC Petroleum Media Forum.

He described the forum as an opportunity for the exchange of expertise, extending communication bridges between media personnel and energy experts, as well as delve into the most notable issues and identify priorities for joint work. On the importance of media, Al-Rasheedi said that it contributes to shaping public opinion as it is not only a medium for the transmission of news but is also a partner in the decision-making process.

In light of these accelerating developments and challenges faced by GCC countries, the role of media is gaining importance, especially in relaying accurate, credible news and revealing false information, he commented. Al-Rasheedi called on experts and decision makers to develop new innovative strategies to address challenges facing the sector, including climate change, fluctuation of oil prices, and technological advancements. — KUNA

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