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Chemistry Olympiad: 333 talented people awarded

RIYADH: The 56th edition of the International Chemistry Olympiad 2024 concluded on Tuesday in the Saudi capital with the participation of 333 talented people from 90 countries and under the supervision of 260 international specialists in the field of chemistry. The number of awards that were distributed at the closing ceremony to the winners amounted to 232 awards (36 gold medals, 67 silver medals, 99 bronze medals, and 30 certificates of appreciation).

The top three places were taken by students Zhong Zheng (from China), Viktor Lilov (from Bulgaria), and Yufei Chen (from the United States), respectively. 47 countries received four awards each, while five countries received three awards, namely Argentina, Denmark, Italy, and North Macedonia and Syria. Six countries received two awards: Cuba, Kyrgyzstan, Peru, Portugal, Qatar, and Spain, while Belgium, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Georgia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Montenegro, Norway, Pakistan, and Venezuela each received one award. — KUNA

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