KUWAIT: Oil slick seen near Ras Al-Julaia. - KUNA
KUWAIT: Oil slick seen near Ras Al-Julaia. - KUNA

EPA contains oil spill

KUWAIT: The Environmental Public Authority (EPA) announced Wednesday that it has contained an oil spill near Ras Al-Julaia after activating the national plan to combat marine oil pollution and notifying all relevant authorities. Speaking to KUNA, Deputy Director General for Technical Affairs at EPA Dr Abdullah Al-Zaidan said following a report from the ministry of interior about an oil slick six kilometers off the coast of Ras Al-Julaia, EPA activated the plan to take necessary actions and prevent the spill from reaching vital coastal installations in the south.

Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) secured the oil slick and combated it at sea, preventing any patches from reaching the shores opposite the observed area, he mentioned. Coordination was also established with the Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment (ROPME) to use satellite imagery to assess the extent and spread of the oil spill, he said, adding that the source of the spill is still unknown, and further study of the area will be conducted to identify potential sources.

Zaidan expressed gratitude to all parties involved in activating the national plan to combat marine oil pollution, noting that the spill has been contained, and that KNPC, along with other relevant authorities, will continue to monitor the situation and the marine environment along the shores near Ras Al-Julaia.

Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) confirmed that the observed patches did not result from their marine exploration operations; however, since they are committed to supporting EPA and other government entities, they have assigned specialized teams to assist in containing the spill using their expertise. – KUNA

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