Kuwait ShinKyokushin Karate team
Kuwait ShinKyokushin Karate team

Kuwait ShinKyokushin team win Japan Dream Festival tournament

KUWAIT: Kuwait ShinKyokushin Karate team won the first and second place in the Karate Dream Festival 2024 International Championship in Japan. Karateka Abdulwahab Al-Saleh won the first place after finishing three bouts, while Eyad Al-Saleh won the second place after four bouts in the tournament that took place from 20 to 21 July in Tokyo.

In a statement to KUNA on Tuesday, Karateka Abulwahab Al-Saleh said that he was proud of representing Kuwait in the event and achieving the first place, adding that taking part in this tournament was a dream of him. On his part, branch chief of ShinKyokushin in Kuwait Sensei Abdullah Al-Banwan hailed the performance of the winners and their efforts to represent Kuwait in international events. — KUNA

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