KUWAIT: His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah presided over the Cabinet weekly session on Tuesday at Bayan Palace. – KUNA
KUWAIT: His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah presided over the Cabinet weekly session on Tuesday at Bayan Palace. – KUNA

Cabinet lauds oil discovery, slash in prices of medicines

Ministers call for speedy railway execution

KUWAIT: The Cabinet held its weekly session on Tuesday at Bayan Palace under the chairmanship of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah. The Cabinet praises the Minister of Health for cutting prices of necessary medicines and recommending speedy execution of the key project. They discussed the railway network, among other things.

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Sharida Al-Maousherji, said that the ministers were briefed by the Minister of Finance, Minister of State for Economic Affairs and Investment, and the Acting Minister of Oil, Dr Ali Al-Mudhaf, regarding the declaration by the Chief Executive Officer of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Sheikh Nawaf Saud Nasser Al-Sabah, and Kuwait Oil Company, last Sunday, about the discovery of commercial amounts of light oil and associate gas at Al-Nokhatha maritime field east of Failaka Island.

The Finance Minister, in his address, affirmed that this discovery places Kuwait on the map of leading regional producers of oil and gas and lifts its status in this field to an international level. This discovery is a national project aimed at boosting Kuwait’s hydrocarbon resources’ reserves, he added. The ministers lauded the great efforts that have been exerted by the KPC and the KOC, resulting in the discovery of these huge amounts of light oil and gas at Nokhatha field.

The ministers examined a visual presentation by the Minister of Health, Dr Ahmad Abdulwahab Al-Awadhi, regarding the new application (Kuwait Soha), noting that this venture aims at unifying all systems of the ministry and providing full and innovative services.

Moreover, it is a qualitative step forward in the realm of digital medical services and comes as a continuation of the ministry’s policy of digital transformation and overhauling medical services. The ministers commended the sincere efforts of the minister and personnel executing the project. They also applauded the minister’s decision to approve the list of downgraded prices of medicines and pharmaceutical products in the private sector, where the cut reached 60 percent, thus relieving patients in need of some necessary drugs.

They later discussed a recommendation from the meeting of the ministerial public services committee regarding the route of the planned railway in Kuwait and a report presented by the Public Authority for Roads and Land Transportation. They decided to task the authority to complete its efforts for executing the Cabinet resolutions regarding the venture and take the appropriate measures to speed up the pace of the work, cut red tape, and embark on the execution phase ahead of the set schedules. Furthermore, the authority has been advised to submit a report every six months about the latest execution phases, along with timetables. — KUNA

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