Dr Jassim Al-Ali
Dr Jassim Al-Ali

KU to activate local accreditation system

KUWAIT: Kuwait University has begun the first steps to activate the local accreditation system in cooperation with the National Bureau for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Education. The university’s institutional accreditation team paid a coordination visit to the Bureau on Monday.

During the visit, the institutional accreditation team at Kuwait University presented the initial report prepared by the university to complete the eligibility application stage, followed by the self-evaluation phase.

The President of the Bureau, Dr Jassim Al-Ali, and his team members praised the quality of the work done and the accuracy of the data, expressing their thanks for the quick response from the university. He noted that this visit represents a historic step and stressed the importance of this project in confirming the keenness of Kuwait University to enhance quality standards and good governance. — KUNA

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