
Kuwait Times asks 100 people

For months, Kuwait Times has worked on getting 100 people from all ages and ethnicities in the studio to answer one question; “When was the last time you cried and why?” Their stories remind us that it’s okay to show emotion and feel deeply.Culturally, crying, especially among boys and men, is often stigmitized as a sign of weakness. Although crying is a normal part of the human body. Tears can express joy, sorrow, frustration and relief. Let’s challenge this outdated belief and celebrate our tears.

If we let our minds think critically about what we hear, most rumors spread for various reasons, especially on social media, would disappear. Always make good use of your brains. If optimism prevailed in our hearts, the flame of rage that drives som...
When we were children, before social media appeared and technology developed, the time to read a story was sacred to us. Wonderful stories published by well-known publishing companies occupied our time, and we eagerly anticipated the new editions of...