Participants pose for a group photo. - KUNA
Participants pose for a group photo. - KUNA

GCC strengthens cooperation in cybersecurity

DOHA: Kuwait participated in the GCC’s third meeting of the Executive Committee for Cybersecurity, hosted by Qatar, with the participation of undersecretaries of ministries and deputies of bodies and centers concerned with cybersecurity in the region. Kuwait was represented at the meeting by Vice President of the National Center for Cybersecurity for Governance and Risk Management, Taiba Al-Qabandi.

The National Center for Cybersecurity said in a press release that the meeting aims to strengthen cooperation, exchange ideas and expertise in the fields of cybersecurity to protect the system in the GCC countries and the common interests of the member states. The meeting also discussed the Gulf security strategy, the first Gulf hackathon, the executive plan of the work of the Ministerial Committee for cybersecurity, and the Gulf cyber exercise program to be held in the Qatari capital Doha next November.

The importance of these meetings is to take all necessary measures to strengthen partnerships and international cooperation in the fields of cybersecurity, benefit from international experiences, provide full support and encourage talents in research and innovation, and develop them in an effort to advance in various fields of cybersecurity in the Arab Gulf countries. — KUNA

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