Dr Mohammad Al-Ghanim
Dr Mohammad Al-Ghanim

‘Extreme temperature has dangerous effects’

KUWAIT: The head of Urology Department at Jaber Armed Forces Hospital, Dr Mohammad Al-Ghanim, said the extreme summer temperatures affect the various body systems in a negative and dangerous manner. In a press statement, he added that the temperatures we experience these days call for caution as they cause body dehydration, which may lead to health problems.

Among the problems the body may face are dehydration and kidney stones. “When the body loses much water, it might affect the urine concentration, which may cause the formation of kidney stones. Also, it may cause infections in the urinary tract, and that is due to the reduction in the production of urine when a person is dehydrated,” he explained.

Dr Mohammad Al-Ghanim
Dr Mohammad Al-Ghanim

Al-Ghanim advised people to avoid dehydration at extreme temperatures by drinking large quantities of liquids and water. “Eat water-rich fruits and vegetables; avoid sports activities under high temperatures; and avoid direct sun at noon,” he advised, urging the elderly, children, and those who have serious conditions to avoid diuretics like drinks with caffeine.

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