NEW DELHI: Kuwaiti Ambassador to India Meshal Al-Shemali meets Indian Minister of External Affairs S Jaishankar. – KUNA
NEW DELHI: Kuwaiti Ambassador to India Meshal Al-Shemali meets Indian Minister of External Affairs S Jaishankar. – KUNA

Kuwait stresses efforts to boost ties with India

NEW DELHI: Kuwaiti Ambassador to India Meshal Al-Shemali called on Tuesday for intensifying efforts to deepen existing relations between India and Kuwait and diversify them into new fields. In a statement to KUNA after meeting Indian Minister of External Affairs S Jaishankar in New Delhi, the ambassador said during their talks, bilateral issues of mutual interest and ways to enhance cooperation mechanisms between the two countries in economic, political, cultural and social fields came up for discussion.

The ambassador also congratulated Jaishankar on his reappointment to the post of minister of external affairs following the parliamentary elections and subsequent formation of the new government. He stressed that the days to come will witness visits by officials of the two countries at different levels, which will include political consultations and joint ministerial meetings covering various sectors.

Shemali also stressed the importance of strengthening trade relations, which have witnessed significant development recently, as total bilateral trade with Kuwait during the past fiscal year amounted to $10.47 billion, marking an annual growth of 34.7 percent. Kuwait is the ninth largest oil supplier to India, meeting 3 percent of India’s total energy needs.

Shemali quoted the Indian minister as extending his sincere thanks to the leadership and government of Kuwait for their efforts and interest in supporting Indians after the tragic fire accident in Mangaf that killed 49 people, mostly from the Indian community residing in Kuwait. — KUNA

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