Britain's King Charles III (center), and Britain's Queen Camilla (second left) stand with Japan's Emperor Naruhito (second right) and Japan's Empress Masako (left) during a Ceremonial Welcome at Horse Guards Parade.
Britain's King Charles III (center), and Britain's Queen Camilla (second left) stand with Japan's Emperor Naruhito (second right) and Japan's Empress Masako (left) during a Ceremonial Welcome at Horse Guards Parade.

UK lays on lavish welcome for Japanese royals

King Charles greets royal couple as he hosts first state visit since his cancer announcement

LONDON: Japan’s Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako received a guard of honor and royal welcome from King Charles III in London on Tuesday at the start of a three-day state visit to the UK. The couple, who arrived on Saturday and held informal engagements over the weekend, were formally greeted by the British monarch, Queen Camilla and others ahead of a lavish evening banquet.

It is the first state visit to the UK by a Japanese head of state since 1998 and, unusually for such a visit, comes during a general election campaign. Some typical political elements, such as a Downing Street visit, have been scrapped in line with neutrality rules but all the traditional pomp and pageantry remained.

The emperor and empress were met on Horse Guards Parade in central London by a host of dignitaries — including Prime Minister Rishi Sunak — while gun salutes were fired and the two countries’ national anthems were played. After Naruhito, 64, and Charles, 75, inspected the guard of honor, the royals travelled the short distance to Buckingham Palace in a carriage procession for lunch.

LONDON: Mounted Police officers lead the horse-drawn carriage procession of Britain's King Charles III and Japan's Emperor Naruhito on June 25, 2024. — AFP photos
LONDON: Mounted Police officers lead the horse-drawn carriage procession of Britain's King Charles III and Japan's Emperor Naruhito on June 25, 2024. — AFP photos

The king, hosting his first state visit since it was revealed in February that he has cancer, was set to take the emperor and empress to a special exhibition of items from the Royal Collection relating to Japan.

The trip is the emperor’s second official state visit since he ascended to the Chrysanthemum Throne in 2019, following a trip to Indonesia last year. It was originally due to take place in 2020 and would have been the emperor’s first overseas visit but it was delayed by the pandemic.

For Charles, it will be the third state visit he has hosted since he became king following the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022. It was announced Tuesday that the UK monarch had approved an honors award for Nissan CEO Makoto Uchida — making him an Honorary Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE) — for services to UK-Japan business relations.

Speaking ahead of the trip, Naruhito said Britain’s royals treated him “like family” during his time studying in England in the 1980s. Naruhito recalled that during his two years at Oxford University, he was invited to Balmoral Castle in Scotland for a few days.

“I have very fond memories of the queen driving a car and inviting me to a barbecue ... and (her husband) Prince Philip showing me around by driving a carriage himself,” he told a rare press conference. The Japanese couple head to Oxford, west of London on Friday, and will fly home from near there. — AFP

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