First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior Affairs receives Croatian Ambassador to Kuwait.— KUNA
First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior Affairs receives Croatian Ambassador to Kuwait.— KUNA

Kuwait 1st Deputy PM discusses coop. with Croatian, Iranian envoys

KUWAIT:  First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior Affairs Sheikh Fahad Yousef Saud Al-Sabah received on Monday the Croatian and Iranian Ambassadors to discuss cooperation and several topics of common interest.

This came in a statement by the Ministry of Defense, saying that Sheikh Fahad Al-Yousef received Croatian Ambassador to Kuwait Amir Muharemi, and later received Iranian Ambassador to Kuwait Mohammad Toutounchi, each separately in his office in the ministry’s headquarters. It added that during both meetings, all sides discussed cooperation, topics of common interest and latest regional and international developments. — KUNA

First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior Affairs receives Iranian Ambassador to Kuwait. — KUNA
First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior Affairs receives Iranian Ambassador to Kuwait. — KUNA

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